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I continued my journey. This time I went to Lot 10. From Bukit Bintang monorail station, I walked through pedestrian bridge first to reach Lot 10.

Oh, when I walked through the pedestrian bridge, I saw something! There is a poverty person who does not have a place to stay and they have to sleep below the building pole.

You will saw Chatime Galleria at your right. A lot of people thought that Lot 10 is a shopping complex that placed branded clothes outlet. No! It is just affordable range outlet.

When I saw ‘H&M’, even from a far it succeeds to attract me. This may be because of the exclusive outlet design and it is quite big. I can claim that this ‘H&M’ outlet is the eye-captured when most of the visitors went to Lot 10 is the tourist.

After that, I went to the top of the building, which is the Lot 10’s rooftop by elevator. It is quite a nice place up there. I have taken the environment picture of Bukit Bintang from the upview. It was so beautiful.

And then, I went back to downstairs, then walked out from Lot 10 and decided to go to Fahrenheit 88.