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From Berjaya Times Square, I decided to go to Plaza Low Yat. Plaza Low Yat is just opposite the Berjaya Times Square, behind the unknown building that is not familiar with. But bet me, you will find it if you want to go there! It is just 5 minutes walking from the Berjaya Times Square through the roofed pedestrian bridge and you will reach there in just 5 minutes!

As you enter Low Yat, the mall is full of gadgets! It is gadget centre obviously. My eyes rolling $$, I love gadget. Okay…I have to focus! Then, I took escalator to go upstairs. It is full of people and seems crowded.

The obvious things that happened when we come here is,… “adik…laptop murah…harga student…” and “adik…promotion…promotion”. I replied… “oh, oh, oh, it’s okay!”. But inside my heart, “hey, I’ve already owned a laptop! HAHAHA! Then, I decided to go out from Plaza Low Yat as I just don’t want to buy any gadget stuffs there.