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From the Fahrenheit 88, I went to Pavilion KL. To reach Pavilion KL, you have to cross the zebra line first. The zebra line is the main cross road for people going back and forth to Pavilion. Before you cross, there are Sephora and Starhill Gallery near you.

After that, as I crossed the zebra line, I reached Pavilion KL. It is quite big building that reflects how exclusive shopping mall is. However, we can also watch cinema at the Pavilion and can shop a lot of branded stuffs (hmm… expensive rates obviously).

Then, there is Tokyo Street at Level 6. There are a lot of Japanese shops selling food, clothes, merchandise, and more. The concept of the street also looks interesting as in you walking through the Japanese street in Japan.

As I walked to the escalator to reach Level 6, there is an event beside me at Level 5. The event is ”Spring Collection 2015”. It is interesting because I can look at the real kimonos that they wore and it is beautiful! I can see the attractiveness of Japan traditional clothes that they introduced during their event.